What Are the Best Tips for Hand-Rearing Orphaned Wild Hedgehogs?


Caring for wildlife is an act of compassion that reflects our commitment to preserving the biodiversity of our planet. In this comprehensive article, we will focus on one particularly endearing little animal, the hedgehog. Unmistakable with their spiky quills and curious nature, these delightful creatures play a vital part in our ecosystem. However, when young hedgehogs, also known as hoglets, lose their mothers and are left to fend for themselves, they need our help. This article will provide detailed tips on hand-rearing orphaned wild hedgehogs, ensuring they receive the devoted care they require to survive and thrive.

Identifying a Hedgehog in Need

Not every lone hedgehog you come across in your garden will require your help. It’s important to understand when your intervention is necessary and when it’s best to leave them to their natural behavior. Baby hedgehogs, especially, can appear to be orphaned and in danger, when in fact their mother is nearby and will return to them.

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If you find a hedgehog during the day, this is usually cause for concern. Hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures, and if they are out during the day, something may be wrong. Similarly, if you spot a baby hedgehog that is alone and making loud, distressed noises, it might need your help. Before you step in, watch the nest from a distance to make sure the mother is not coming back. Please note that hedgehogs can carry diseases, so always use gloves when handling them.

Preparing a Suitable Environment

Once you’ve determined that a baby hedgehog requires your help, the next step is to provide a suitable environment for its care. This starts with preparing a cage or a box that can serve as a temporary home.

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The cage should be warm, quiet, and safe from predators. It should also be spacious enough to accommodate a small nest area, a food dish, and a water dish. Line the cage with soft, non-stringy material like fleece or towel, and ensure there’s enough ventilation. Remember, the cage should replicate the nest as closely as possible. Do keep the cage away from direct sunlight and loud noise to avoid stressing the vulnerable creature.

Providing Appropriate Nutrition

Nutrition is a critical aspect of hand-rearing wildlife. Baby hedgehogs have unique dietary requirements that must be met to ensure their healthy growth and development.

Hedgehogs are primarily insectivores. A diet of cat food, dog food, or a specially formulated hedgehog food can generally meet their needs. Small portions of cooked chicken or turkey can be added occasionally. A variety of fruits and vegetables can also be offered, but these should not constitute the main part of their diet.

Always ensure fresh water is available at all times. It’s important to note that milk or dairy products are not suitable for hedgehogs and can lead to severe digestive problems.

Monitoring Health and Growth

Hand-rearing a baby hedgehog will require a commitment to monitor its health and growth closely. Be prepared to observe the hedgehog daily, checking for signs of illness or distress.

A healthy hedgehog will be active and alert, with bright eyes and smooth skin. Weight gain is a positive sign, indicating that the hedgehog is thriving. Conversely, weight loss, lethargy, or changes in feces consistency could signal health issues. Seek immediate veterinary help if you notice these symptoms.

Releasing Back into the Wild

The ultimate goal of hand-rearing orphaned wild hedgehogs is to eventually release them back into the wild. This step should be taken only when the hedgehog is healthy, can fend for itself, and is of the appropriate weight and age to survive in the wild.

Before releasing a hedgehog, make sure it is familiar with the natural diet and has hunting skills. The release site should be a safe, hedgehog-friendly environment with plenty of food and cover. Remember, the gradual release is the best approach. Start by allowing the hedgehog to spend some time outside the cage in a protected area to adjust to its new environment.

Hand-rearing orphaned wild hedgehogs is a significant commitment that requires time, patience, and dedication. But the reward of seeing a creature you’ve nurtured return to the wild where it belongs is immeasurable. It’s a small step towards preserving our precious wildlife, and every life saved contributes to the balance of our ecosystem.

Dealing with Potential Threats

When caring for baby hedgehogs, it is crucial to be aware of potential threats and hazards that could harm them. Your garden, where the baby hedgehog will spend most of its time, must be made safe and secure.

One common threat for hedgehogs is slug pellets. These are often used in gardens to deal with pests but can be highly toxic to hedgehogs. Avoid using these in your garden or any area where the hedgehog could accidentally ingest them.

Another potential hazard is the lack of access to fresh water. Always ensure there is a water bottle or dish with fresh water easily accessible for the hedgehog. Dehydration can be a serious issue, particularly during hot summer months.

Additionally, be mindful of the temperature in the hedgehog’s environment. They are sensitive to cold and can go into hibernation if it’s too cold. During winter months, it’s advisable to provide a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel for extra warmth.

Remember, it’s your responsibility to create a nurturing environment that will keep the baby hedgehog safe and happy.

Contributing to Hedgehog Conservation

The act of caring for an orphaned hedgehog goes beyond the immediate act of kindness. It contributes towards the broader goal of wildlife preservation. The British Hedgehog Preservation Society has been working tirelessly to combat the decline in the British hedgehog population.

Your efforts in hand-rearing an orphaned hedgehog helps support their work and serve as a tangible contribution towards preserving biodiversity. Whether it’s a single baby hedgehog or an entire nest, every life saved is a step towards a healthier, more balanced ecosystem.

Hand-rearing a baby hedgehog will require patience and commitment, and there may be challenges along the way. However, the reward of watching the hedgehog return to the wild, knowing you’ve played a part in its survival, is beyond measure.


Caring for orphaned wild hedgehogs is a deeply rewarding experience that not only saves lives but also contributes towards maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystem. The guidance outlined in this article provides a comprehensive approach to ensuring the welfare and survival of these endearing creatures.

Whether you find a single orphaned hedgehog or a whole nest, your help can make a real difference. By providing a secure environment, appropriate nutrition, and diligent care, you’re giving these creatures a chance at life that they wouldn’t have otherwise had.

Keep in mind that while our article offers detailed advice, each hedgehog is unique, and your approach may need to be adapted according to the hedgehog’s specific needs.

Hand-rearing orphaned wild hedgehogs is more than just a kind act. It’s a commitment to preserving our precious wildlife—one life at a time. And the joy of watching a creature you’ve cared for return to the wild where it belongs is a feeling that can’t be described in words.

So, let’s do our part and help our prickly friends thrive in their natural habitat. After all, every creature has a place in our shared world, and caring for them is our shared responsibility.